Professional Shredding

Professional shredding services ensure your business is properly destroying its important documents. But, these services also do so much more, including increasing productivity, reducing liability, protecting your reputation, improving the environment, and saving you money. Your business can greatly benefit from professional shredding services, in more ways than one.

By using a professional service, your employees will spend their time earning your business revenue, rather than shredding paper. No longer needed documents can be disposed of quickly, and you never have to worry about confidentiality or security. The professionals take care of everything for you, enabling productivity for your staff and yourself.

Professional Shredding Increases Productivity

Save your time and your employee’s time by outsourcing your paper shredding. By shredding your own documents, you waste time shredding paper in a small and slow paper shredder. You deal with jams and other mechanical errors. You have to spend time removing paperclips and staples, picking up the mess after, and disposing of your shredded documents. All these issues take time away from other tasks you or your employee would normally be doing.

By using a professional service, your employees will spend their time earning your business revenue, rather than shredding paper. No longer needed documents can be disposed of quickly, and you never have to worry about confidentiality or security. The professionals take care of everything for you, enabling productivity for your staff and yourself.

Professional Shredding Reduces Liability

Your business’s obligations to privacy can’t be ignored. Shredding is not an option for a lot of documents a business produces. By going through a professional service, you can be sure your documents are disposed of confidential and securely. Many professional shredding services provide you with proof of destruction to give you evidence of proper removal. Pulp Shred has a video verification proof of destruction that further reduces potential liability risks for your business.

Protects Your Reputation

When there is a data breach, headlines are soon to follow. After that, you may have lost the trust of your employees, clients, or the community. It’s important to protect your secure documents so they don’t get into the wrong hands. By using a secure professional shredding business, you are protecting your reputation and ensuring no sensitive information is stolen.

Protects Your Reputation

Did you know that most recycling centers don’t take shredded paper? The small scraps of shredded paper are hard for machines to catch, so they generally get thrown out instead of recycled. By using a professional shredding service that recycles, you are ensuring your papers are recycled. Pulp Shred has a 100% conversion of your shredded paper into new paper products, so you can have zero landfill paper waste. Feel better about your business’s impact on the environment, and strengthen your brand’s image.

Using a professional shredding service guarantees your business is properly destroying its important documents. It also increases productivity, reduces liability, protects your business’ reputation, and is environmentally friendly. Once you realize all the benefits of professional document destruction, you’ll want it for your business. Pulp Shred provides a wide range of services. To learn more, contact us and read our other blogs.